Drugs, Intoxicants Disciplinary Actions

Alcoholic Beverages – Atlantic Cape Community College bans alcoholic beverages from College premises and subjects violators, regardless of age, to disciplinary action up to dismissal and criminal prosecution.

Drugs – possession or use of illegal drugs or narcotics on any of Atlantic Cape’s campuses or at any College-sponsored function is prohibited. Persons found with illegal drugs will be suspended immediately and appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified.

Persons found to be engaged in the sale or distribution of illegal substances anywhere on College premises or at any College-sponsored functions will be immediately dismissed from the College and appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified.

The Center for Student Success is available to assist Atlantic Cape students with education, information, short-term supportive counseling and referral services for alcohol and drugs. A brochure is available upon request at the Office of Student Affairs, or Center for Student Success Office. You may also access our website at http://www.atlantic.edu/student-life/student-resources/counseling/index.php for additional information.