Academic Classifications

Academic Probation

A student placed on Academic Probation has earned a GPA below a 2.00 (the minimum to be in “good academic standing”).  Students on Academic Probation must connect with a counselor or advisor to develop an action plan for academic success. 

Academic Suspension from Full-time Enrollment

A student placed on Academic Suspension from full-time enrollment is restricted to a maximum of 11 credits during each semester.  Students on academic suspension must connect with a counselor to develop a plan for academic success.

A student may file an appeal through the Academic Appeal process if they would like to enroll full-time during the academic year. 

Academic Dismissal

A student is placed on Academic Dismissal if they have attempted between 17-30 credits and have a GPA below a .60, or have attempted between 31 – 48 credits and have earned a GPA less than 1.01 or have attempted 49 or more credits and earned a GPA less than 1.59.  This classification prohibits College enrollment for a period of two semesters (one academic year).  A student may appeal this classification through the Academic Appeal process in order to enroll during the academic year.  If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension from full-time enrollment for the first semester and must meet with a counselor to determine the maximum credit enrollment for the next semester.

Academic Classification Chart

Credits Attempted GPA Status
12-16 0-.50
Academic Suspension
Academic Probation
17-30 0-.59
Academic Dismissal
Academic Suspension
Academic Probation
31-48 0-1.00
Academic Dismissal
Academic Suspension
Academic Probation
49 or more 0-1.59
Academic Dismissal
Academic Suspension
Academic Probation